August 4, 2009

Boycott Reviewstream

In todays difficult economic times, we are all searching for ways to combine our addiction to the internet with ways of making some money.

With a myriad of options available to us including pay-to-click, pay-to-write, pay-to-blog, it almost seems too simple. Have you heard the old adage: "If it looks too good to be true, it usually is?" With this in mind, I set off on a cyber space adventure of gargantuan proportion seeking out the perfect paid to site.

Cutting to the chase, here is where I am leading you....

Some time ago I joined a great paying site by the name of "Ciao". This wonderful operation paid you for each review you wrote plus you were paid for both receiving and giving votes. I created a huge portfolio of writing which included not only reviews, but general writing: thoughts, rants, recipes etc., and was rewarded quite pleasantly for it. However, as of June 2009, the site ceased to exist due to the high number of cheats in all shapes and forms.

I promptly removed ALL my work from that site and held it close to my heart (or my C drive) for some time before I found an equivalent site where I could resume my passion for sharing gibberish with anyone who cared to peruse...

Reviewstream! I had found a home! Bragging a pay per post upon approval, it would offer me the additional income I was accustom to at Ciao and would afford me the ability to share my writing.

Why? Whatever happened?

Having removed all my writing from that other site as I stated earlier, I was shocked to see that, although my reviews were gone from cyber space, the links that USED TO lead to them were still visible online. Reviewstream also noticed this, and rather than offer me an opportunity to explain this ridiculous situation, they sent me the most unprofessional email accusing me of cheating by cross posting and that they no longer wished to have anything more to do with me! I was astonished!

I am an honest woman, with integrity and honor - to be called a cheat and to have my account closed without a chance to be heard was horrid in my eyes! What made it worse was the degrading and utterly rude nature of their email!

Tonight, I paid a visit to this site, just to see if indeed my reviews were gone! TA-DA!! There was one of my reviews!! Unpaid for and blatantly sitting on their site gathering votes and readership! Needless to say, I promptly e-mailed them demanding my review removed immediately while taking the time to inform them of their rude and unprofessional approach and highly distasteful correspondence. Within one hour I received a response stating "Your review has been removed with our pleasure :-)" WHAT?

My point tonight is that I urge everyone to avoid this site. It appears to be managed by high schoolers with no manners, tact or professionalism. Anyone who corresponds with someone in the tone that they adopted shows immaturity and a complete lack of respect.


I am hurt
that they view me in this light and only thankful that they have cast this judgment on me falsely! Fortunately they do not know me, they do not know that I am honest and have spent all my years as a writer online reporting cheaters, plagiarizers, let alone that I had several of my reviews/articles stolen in the past and subsequently posted on other sites!

This blog is just a way of me venting my anger and frustration against this site and the utterly disgusting way in which they treated me!


Follow me on - Scotlass71