July 25, 2009

LIFE!!! :-)

The daily grind
The coffee grind
The toys the wee one left behind

The dirty dishes
The goodbye kisses
Oh, there's the keys we couldn't find

The grocery list
The "to-do" list
(For the things that may escape my mind)

The car won't start
I took my cell phone apart
Oh boy, I'm in a bind

Search for change

Find a phone
Dial home


Dial a Friend


Take a bus
What a fuss!
Now my back needs realigned!

Pick up my son
I have to run
to get back home in time

Start the dinner
(wish I were thinner)
wait for the timer to chime.

The dirty dishes
Did I feed the fishes?
The food all over the floor
The packing of lunches
The flowers in bunches
As my hubby walks in through the door!

The nighttime kisses
And sweet little wishes
Of a loving family of four!

(actually, there's only three, but that wouldn't rhyme!)

Follow me on Twitter.com - Scotlass71

Society Gone Mad

Sickened by the pseudo intellectual children so wrapped in their own self-righteousness
that they sneer and condemn the faces that aren't theirs,

the words that they could not muster.
Disturbed by the images of blood tearing from the mental veins of those who are psychologically void of worth yet able only to sit in their darkened rooms with their pale faces lit only by the candle of their despair.

The tragically over informed underdeveloped minds of the dismal hybrid of the night.

Hatred spewing from their pores.

Venom pulsing from their blackened hearts while Mommy cooks their dinner and washes their bedsheets for their peaceful slumber.

The humor in the children whose lives are so filled with pain, turmoil, angst whilst secretly and enviously watching reality TV.
The joy in the fact that their creative juices will flow and words will be penned for the world to see, relate to and devour.

That 15 years from now they will be writing about the pseudo intellectual children so wrapped in their own self righteousness...

oh, haven't I mentioned that before?

The irony in a society gone mad!

Follow me on Twitter.com - Scotlass71

Media Mind Warp

Stick your fingers down your throat - I promise I won't watch
oh, but that's what you do it for - I forgot.

Your ego has taken on a life of it's own
to honestly think I care enough about what size dress you wear?

If your words are shallow and pre-scripted - do you really expect me to listen?
Are you truly that caught up in yourself that you think I would trade in my morality and beliefs for YOU?
Vote for whomever for YOU?
Buy your moronic music with your pointless lyrics for WHO?

I am woman - hear me snore...
You bore me with your words
(actually, I believe they are someone elses, but that's what makes it worse).

Do you remember a distant time when people were real
with real messages and real physiques
real reasons to be... real?

I WON'T fall prey to your "message".
I WON'T be fooled by your "Agenda" (for I read you like a book).
I WON'T buy your CD (even with the catchy hook).

For I am real.
I am who I am.
Who are you?

(Speak your mind - not that of someone else)

Follow me on Twitter.com - Scotlass71


As the ice clinks and the laughter echoes in her mind,
the crunch of glass from the darkness opens her eyes to this reality.
Dark, tired, nauseated by the flashing
red and blue
this wasn't what she intended to do...

The intoxifying saturation
the blood
The laugh, the scream
This wasn't what she intended to see...

Still and crushed, like the ice in her cup
with a face so young and so pure.
No breath.
Still red and blue flashing
This wasn't where she intended to be...

Slipping into the darkness
Her glass has run dry
The two turned to five, the five to ten
she'll never taste that nectar again...
This wasn't where she intended to die...

Follow me on Twitter.com - Scotlass71


And so the Birdman flew

Is this what his dreams were all about?
Is this how his absurd high really felt?

And as he flew into colors of red and blue
His inner ego grew and grew.
And so the Birdman flew
Yet no one looked skyward to appreciate

He'd merely licked the surface he desired.
Kissing the sky, his wings outstretched like a cry for help

Could he have ever dreamt he could fall so fast?
Did he ever dream at all?

And so the Birdman soared into reality
His wings tired, his eyes sore

His mind vivid with the new horizons he'd reached

The new idea's he'd provoked.

And so the Birdman flew
Into colors bold and new.
Inventor of a new race
Portraits hung; the painted face.

And so the Birdman flew

And from above he saw
Creations he'd made lurid, sordid, and defiant of the mold.

Alas the Birdman flew

Was this his highest point?

Could he not soar higher?

Could he not touch heaven?

Could he die?

Could the Birdman really fly?

Follow me on Twitter.com - Scotlass71


Colors collide in carnival of dreams
Hazy faces vanish into the mist
God like icons tower with strength
And the dream becomes real

Do I sit and stare into space
Or do I become absorbed in this mystical place

Like the prodigal son returning
Or the person I am leaving?

Clouded figures hold out their arms
As gem-like creations sparkle and fade
Like the eyes of a thousand awakened in their sleep
Dewy, heavy.

Do I stir and allow myself to waken
Or do I lie motionless and let myself be taken?

Like a possession of theirs
Losing possession of me.

Casting shadows on clouds as on walls
Shapes and patterns pass me by
Colors blend into sheets of light
Bland but warm
Shallow yet hypnotic
Suddenly the icons lose their godliness

And I awake.

The dream is over

Do I begin again?

Follow me on Twitter.com - Scotlass71

I Wrote A Letter...

I wrote a letter to my son today
I've done it many times before.
It's not to give him right away

I wrote of how we love him,
Our wishes and our dreams.
I wrote my "Ten Commandments"
Among many other things.

We always say I love you.
We always kiss goodnight,
But I feel that all these letters
Are something I should write.

I started when I was pregnant
Just to let him know,
That even though he wasn't "here"
That we both love him so.

I write them as he's growing,
About the funny things he does.
The stories that he tells me
The toys and music that he loves.

For when I'm old and ailing.
Or when I'm no longer there.
He'll always have my letters,
To know how much I care.

Do we always say what needs to be said to our children?
Do we leave behind a legacy of love and words that they will adhere to?
We could be gone today, tomorrow, many years from now, but why wait for them to know?

Write a letter. Write many letters as they are growing cover all bases, give them something in addition to beautiful memories to look back on. They could be young and you could be gone Don't take tomorrow for granted. Don't take your love for your children (or their love for you) for granted. Write a letter.

Follow me on www.Twitter.com - follow: Scotlass71 THANKS


Loyalty surges through my veins thicker than blood
My love is unconditional, forgiving
Yet I am in darkness.....
I shelter you, I understand you, I see you
Can you see me in return?
I know your mind, your thoughts
I see your darkness and bask in your light
Yet I am in darkness....

I don't fear the darkness
I fear the cold

Our mountains have been treacherous
Our summits have been plentiful
Together we can conquer - but I need your strength
I need your darkness to empower you
Take my darkness away......