July 31, 2009

Twitter - yup, I'm a Twit - or is that Tweep?

I presume you have heard of "Twitter". I furthermore presume that you have have done one of the following:
a) Wondered what the hell it is
b) Joined the masses of Twits and have Tweeps aplenty - perhaps you are Twittering right now or have read this via Twitter
c) Checked it out and gave up.....

I have become a Twit - or "Twitter" as the correct phrase would be. I am also confused, and somewhat disappointed at this social networking, gathering place for the bored, lazy or agoraphobic who just can't deal with people on a personal face to face basis!

I joined this site in a vain attempt at "putting my work out there", sharing my poems and blogs - yes this one included, with millions of people who would read my writes and fain at my feet in sheer and utter adornment. Did it happen?

It seems that, unless you have a huge circle of friends that you just can't be bothered talking to on the phone or meeting in person, the only "followers" you will accrue will be crazy naked ladies wanting to tempt you with their web cams - sorry, Im female - not interested, or a bunch of affiliate site members plying you with great investment opportunities.

I believe the motivation behind this ridiculous, yet terribly addicting site, was to offer a false hope to the socially unaware of befriending celebs!

I have come to learn through thorough investigation that anyone who has more than 100 followers rarely replies to you, and any celeb (who normally have tens of thousands of followers) don't even read your "Tweets" let alone reply to lowly peons such as ourselves. Ironically this does not deter thousands of people from chatting "with" these people as though they are in the midst of their random conversations, or in some cases, poignant thoughts that may cure the world of all evil! Give me a break!

To be honest to those of you who trust and follow me - and to myself - I have added a couple of notables onto my "following" tab and not without the hope that one day, someone, somewhere may return a tweet to me. I have left deep and thoughtful messages to a couple of these people in the hopes that they may realize that I am not a star struck teenie-bopper and may actually offer a conversation of substance - without being a stalker or crazy naked lady on a web cam! This was about as fruitful as my latest attempt at winning the lottery without purchasing a ticket.

There is an obvious sense of voyeurism attached to this site akin to listening in to private conversations, although without the benefit of hearing both sides of the conversation. I can tell you what color Perez Hilton is dying his hair this week, but I have no clue who he was saying "yes" to.....

I think this leads many members - especially the younger ones, to have a false sense of relationship and inside knowledge of their heroes, which sadly, can only lead to disappointment.

With a few ways of making a couple of bucks on the site through various Twitter offered programs, it may be something to play with but not a way of truly getting to know people or market yourself. These too, may only lead you down the path of either becoming an affiliate spammer or getting kicked off the site!

Well, as for me, I am off to post this latest addition on Twitter and hunt down a couple of celebs! I'll probably see you there - be sure to say "hello"!

If I ever get a celeb reply, I will be sure to let you know ;-)

Follow me on Twitter.com - Scotlass71

Thanks Mr. Hardy - Yes, Differences are Wonderful!

There I was, sitting on the sofa watching my sons' favorite show WWE Friday Night Smackdown, when something caught my attention and impelled me to move from my comfy spot in the living room to the darkened recesses of my office...

I am not a huge fan of wrestling, in fact, I have only developed any form of interest due to the 24/7 onslaught of Smackdown, Raw, ECW and TNA trivia that has lately become my (almost) 9 year olds life! I have, however taken a liking to a couple of stars for one reason or another. One of them is Jeff Hardy. I believe that initially it was the "Image", the style mirrored my own slightly left of center signature look and tonight it has become so much more...

I am an educator. I work with elementary grade children and often receive second glances as though to say: "You teach my kid?" or "Nah, no way, you don't look like a teacher". Tonight Mr. Hardy made a statement tonight that struck home to me and a statement that I hope reached out to all those "misfits" and "rejects" that we don't have to look the same, we CAN live life to the beat of own drum and it most certainly doesn't make us bad people! We CAN accomplish greatness without fitting into the mold of society standards and expectations. Yes, Mr. Hardy, you are correct - life WOULD be dull if we were all the same!

A great part of my enjoyment of life is meeting people who are like me, but more often, people who are different, people who make me think outside my own box. People who make me realize that although I am often looked upon as not typically "fitting the role", I have every right to do what I do and that it makes my cause more believable!

Every day I come across kids who are either (in their eyes) too tall, too short, to thin, too fat, not accepted by their peers because of their dress and if I were the perfect size 1 with a barbie body and golden blonde hair who wore expensive designer labels - attached to the clothing obviously - and never had to struggle or fight for what I believe in a day in my life, would they believe me when I told them that they were beautiful. That we are all different and that is what makes us special - who wants to be like everyone else, how boring the world would be if we were all alike. What is perfect anyway? People are all attracted to different things, different looks, different personalities - love yourself for who you are - because I do!..... No way!

I am 5'10' I am 164lbs, tattooed, black hair and wear whatever the hell I please! I am not a perfect body model, I am not a pin up - I am me!

My "image" - which, to be frank, is not an image, it is me, take it or leave it - actually works in my favor. The kids listen to me when I speak, they are interested, and when they see my tattoos and tell me they want one, I can honestly give them the truth... Wait until you are older, think solidly about what you want - you have it for life so don't rush in. If a non-tattooed, traditional teacher told them this, they would have the mind set of: "What do they know?"... am I right?

Both adults and children need to hear that differences make us beautiful, make us interesting. That we are acceptable no matter how we look, as long as we strive to do good and follow our dreams.

Thanks Jeff Hardy for putting that out there.......

Follow me on Twitter.com - Scotlass71