July 25, 2009

LIFE!!! :-)

The daily grind
The coffee grind
The toys the wee one left behind

The dirty dishes
The goodbye kisses
Oh, there's the keys we couldn't find

The grocery list
The "to-do" list
(For the things that may escape my mind)

The car won't start
I took my cell phone apart
Oh boy, I'm in a bind

Search for change

Find a phone
Dial home


Dial a Friend


Take a bus
What a fuss!
Now my back needs realigned!

Pick up my son
I have to run
to get back home in time

Start the dinner
(wish I were thinner)
wait for the timer to chime.

The dirty dishes
Did I feed the fishes?
The food all over the floor
The packing of lunches
The flowers in bunches
As my hubby walks in through the door!

The nighttime kisses
And sweet little wishes
Of a loving family of four!

(actually, there's only three, but that wouldn't rhyme!)

Follow me on Twitter.com - Scotlass71

1 comment:

  1. Did you feed the fishes? Very good poem. If you need a new cell phone there are a lot of online cell phone reviews that might help you out.
