July 25, 2009


And so the Birdman flew

Is this what his dreams were all about?
Is this how his absurd high really felt?

And as he flew into colors of red and blue
His inner ego grew and grew.
And so the Birdman flew
Yet no one looked skyward to appreciate

He'd merely licked the surface he desired.
Kissing the sky, his wings outstretched like a cry for help

Could he have ever dreamt he could fall so fast?
Did he ever dream at all?

And so the Birdman soared into reality
His wings tired, his eyes sore

His mind vivid with the new horizons he'd reached

The new idea's he'd provoked.

And so the Birdman flew
Into colors bold and new.
Inventor of a new race
Portraits hung; the painted face.

And so the Birdman flew

And from above he saw
Creations he'd made lurid, sordid, and defiant of the mold.

Alas the Birdman flew

Was this his highest point?

Could he not soar higher?

Could he not touch heaven?

Could he die?

Could the Birdman really fly?

Follow me on Twitter.com - Scotlass71

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