July 25, 2009

I Wrote A Letter...

I wrote a letter to my son today
I've done it many times before.
It's not to give him right away

I wrote of how we love him,
Our wishes and our dreams.
I wrote my "Ten Commandments"
Among many other things.

We always say I love you.
We always kiss goodnight,
But I feel that all these letters
Are something I should write.

I started when I was pregnant
Just to let him know,
That even though he wasn't "here"
That we both love him so.

I write them as he's growing,
About the funny things he does.
The stories that he tells me
The toys and music that he loves.

For when I'm old and ailing.
Or when I'm no longer there.
He'll always have my letters,
To know how much I care.

Do we always say what needs to be said to our children?
Do we leave behind a legacy of love and words that they will adhere to?
We could be gone today, tomorrow, many years from now, but why wait for them to know?

Write a letter. Write many letters as they are growing cover all bases, give them something in addition to beautiful memories to look back on. They could be young and you could be gone Don't take tomorrow for granted. Don't take your love for your children (or their love for you) for granted. Write a letter.

Follow me on www.Twitter.com - follow: Scotlass71 THANKS

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