July 25, 2009

Society Gone Mad

Sickened by the pseudo intellectual children so wrapped in their own self-righteousness
that they sneer and condemn the faces that aren't theirs,

the words that they could not muster.
Disturbed by the images of blood tearing from the mental veins of those who are psychologically void of worth yet able only to sit in their darkened rooms with their pale faces lit only by the candle of their despair.

The tragically over informed underdeveloped minds of the dismal hybrid of the night.

Hatred spewing from their pores.

Venom pulsing from their blackened hearts while Mommy cooks their dinner and washes their bedsheets for their peaceful slumber.

The humor in the children whose lives are so filled with pain, turmoil, angst whilst secretly and enviously watching reality TV.
The joy in the fact that their creative juices will flow and words will be penned for the world to see, relate to and devour.

That 15 years from now they will be writing about the pseudo intellectual children so wrapped in their own self righteousness...

oh, haven't I mentioned that before?

The irony in a society gone mad!

Follow me on Twitter.com - Scotlass71

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