July 25, 2009


Colors collide in carnival of dreams
Hazy faces vanish into the mist
God like icons tower with strength
And the dream becomes real

Do I sit and stare into space
Or do I become absorbed in this mystical place

Like the prodigal son returning
Or the person I am leaving?

Clouded figures hold out their arms
As gem-like creations sparkle and fade
Like the eyes of a thousand awakened in their sleep
Dewy, heavy.

Do I stir and allow myself to waken
Or do I lie motionless and let myself be taken?

Like a possession of theirs
Losing possession of me.

Casting shadows on clouds as on walls
Shapes and patterns pass me by
Colors blend into sheets of light
Bland but warm
Shallow yet hypnotic
Suddenly the icons lose their godliness

And I awake.

The dream is over

Do I begin again?

Follow me on Twitter.com - Scotlass71

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